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1-10 of Total 805 results

Animal Husbandry

“Livestock & Veterinary May the sheep in our fields Bear young by the tens of thousands. May our cattle reproduce plentifully Without miscarriage or loss.” Livestock and sheep rearing had been the honorable occupation of the noblest of the nobles and were the main and valuable possession and mark of distinction. Cattle have been used […]


HANDICRAFT (pdf size 344 kb)


There is no substitute to education. Some may claim that faith in God is of paramount importance but this holy tree cannot grow in a barren and desolate land. Faith sprouts only from a cultivated and cultured soul.. “Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave” […]


Health & Family welfare: Department of Health and Family Welfare is aimed at bringing about dramatic improvement in the health system and the Health status of people especially those living in rural areas of the country . It seeks to provide access to equitable , affordable and quality health care , reduction of IMR and […]

Public Utilities

8 Colleges/Universities 12 Banks 14 Postal 6 Hospitals 10 Municipalities


Sample proforma for Gun-Licence Form and Application(size pdf 25kb) PROVISIONS RELATING TO LICENSES(size pdf 36kb) ARMS ACT, 1959(size pdf 25kb)


This space display the all the contact details related to different public services in the district.

Guideline for Disaster

DISTRICT DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN(pdf size 3.1Mb) Diaster Management Plan 2017-18(pdf size 417kb) Evacuation and Rescue Plan(pdf size41.4kb) Standard operating Procedures (SOPs) regarding Disasters(pdf size736kb) District Risk Reduction Plan-anantnag(pdf size81.3kb) National Highway Disaster Management Plan(pdf size 435kb) Civil Defense Plan(pdf size 399kb) Flood Duty Chart, Flood Control Division (pdf size347kb) Resource Mapping -Inventory of Resources available […]


Designation Name of the Officer Mobile No. Office No. Deputy Commissioner. Anantnag. Syeed Fakhrudin Hamid, IAS   01932-222337 223164 (Fax) 222498 (R) Addl. District Dev. Commr., Anantnag Mr. Sheikh Abdul Aziz (JKAS) 9469549535   Addl. Deputy Commr. Anantnag   Mr. Mohd Ashraf Sheikh (JKAS) 9149420919   Addl. Deputy Commr. Anantnag  Mr. Fayaz Ahmad Banday 9484003002   [...]


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into […]