

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Advertisement Notice for Engagement of Krishi Udyamis (KU)/ Agricultural Entrepreneur in District Anantnag under Holistic Agriculture Development Program

Advertisement Notice for Engagement of Krishi Udyamis (KU)/ Agricultural Entrepreneur in District Anantnag under Holistic Agriculture Development Program.

02/03/2024 02/03/2025 View (5 MB)
Tentiative Seniority of Non-Teaching officials of Distt Anantnag

Tentiative Seniority of Non-Teaching officials of Distt Anantnag

25/11/2023 31/12/2024 View (5 MB)
Advertisement Notice of Anagnawadi Workers and Anganwadi Workers (Child Development Project Officer Qazigund)

Advertisement Notice of Anagnawadi Workers and Anganwadi Workers (Child Development Project Officer Qazigund)

16/05/2023 16/05/2024 View (5 MB)
Corrigendum-Withdrawal of Advertisement in respect of only two Anganwadi Centres Shampora- C & Qazigund –D advertised by CDPO Qazigund

Corrigendum-Withdrawal of Advertisement in respect of only two Anganwadi Centres Shampora- C & Qazigund –D advertised by CDPO Qazigund

06/06/2023 30/06/2023 View (711 KB)
Notification regarding updation of service particulars of Teacher Grade II and Grade

Notification regarding updation of service particulars of Teacher Grade II and Grade

18/02/2022 31/03/2022 View (551 KB) Annexure_A_Grade_II (2 MB) Annexure_B_Garde_III (241 KB) Annexure_C_Regularsied_ReTs (132 KB) Annexure_D_Still_ReTs (120 KB)
Tentative seniority list of class Iv working in Revenue Deptt District Anantnag as it stood on 01-01-2022

Tentative seniority list of class Iv working in Revenue Deptt District Anantnag as it stood on 01-01-2022

03/02/2022 28/02/2022 View (4 MB)
Tentative seniority list of Drivers working in Revenue Deptt District Anantnag as it stood on 01-01-2022

Tentative seniority list of Drivers working in Revenue Deptt District Anantnag as it stood on 01-01-2022

03/02/2022 28/02/2022 View (767 KB)
Tentative seniority list of Junior Assistants working in Revenue Deptt District Anantnag as it stood on 01-01-2022

Tentative seniority list of Junior Assistants working in Revenue Deptt District Anantnag as it stood on 01-01-2022

03/02/2022 28/02/2022 View (2 MB)
Tentative seniority list of Patwaries working in Revenue Deptt District Anantnag as it stood on 01-01-2022

Tentative seniority list of Patwaries working in Revenue Deptt District Anantnag as it stood on 01-01-2022

03/02/2022 28/02/2022 View (4 MB)
Extension in the grant of Final Opportunity for clearing deficiencies in respect of Qualified CPWS LFPWs of District Anantnag-NOTIFICATION

Extension in the grant of Final Opportunity for clearing deficiencies in respect of Qualified CPWS LFPWs of District Anantnag-NOTIFICATION

03/02/2022 28/02/2022 View (2 MB)